Posts tagged ‘company reorganisation’

Are you dreading a company re-organisation?

Re-organisation within a company can often be associated with confusion, pointless reshuffling and ultimately employees may think it is just code for redundancies. However a re-organisation, if managed correctly and carried out for the right reasons, can result in a re-energised workforce and new focus.

Here are my top reasons to consider a re-organisation in your company

To re-invigorate top performers

Just because members of your team are doing well doesn’t mean you can forget about them. Even top performers need regular evaluation and adjustment to prevent stagnation. A new challenge that caters to their strengths can bring fresh perspective and even better results. Similarly a long-term top performer may become disengaged and a change can prevent monotony setting in.

To align the right people to the right problems

Business is always changing and evolving. As a leader you need to be aware of this and be ready to adapt. Knowing the challenges facing your business and the strengths and weaknesses of your teams means you will be able to quickly adjust, moving the right people or teams to address the problems best suited to them.

To stay competitive

The company that doesn’t change and grow will ultimately be overtaken by the competition. As a leader you have to be ready to re-organise in order to compete. I’m sure most of us will remember the video-rental chain ‘Blockbuster’.  They adapted from VHS to DVD just fine – it didn’t require much re-organisation, just change the product you sell. However when it came to the digital download age they weren’t ready or willing to change and ultimately failed.

To focus on a new strategic direction

Interestingly the ‘Blockbuster’ analogy can also apply to this situation. If Blockbuster had focused on the new direction of their industry they could still be with us today, but new strategic directions are not just an opportunity to stay competitive, but also an opportunity to grow your business in new areas. Sometimes this may involve recruitment, but you can often find the assets you need are already part of your workforce and a re-organisation is all that is required to leverage this new strategy.

As always my top advice to get the best from your re-organisation is COMMUNICATION. When that email goes out announcing the re-org, ALL your employees should already know about it, be familiar with the reasoning and comfortable with the process and its implications for them and their team.

It is vital to take a broad view of the talent across your organisation, so you can empower them to succeed where you need them most and where they will enjoy the new challenge.

December 11, 2017 at 10:04 am Leave a comment

Alan Adair

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Alan Adair

Extra Dimension
Helping you and your teams to be more engaged, motivated and effective.

